Garman Family

Here is our cute little family!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Here I am getting bigger by the day. I am starting to feel like I want him out. Then I think about the lack of sleep and I think that he can stay in a bit longer. We'll see. My Doc says I am right on track for my due date. So I have another month to go. Hopefully it will go quick.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Daniel and Celia are so cute. We had to kick Bayley out of the room so Dan could actually love on Celia. Bayley is very possesive of his daddy. Anyhow I thought this was a cute picture.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

My cousin and I are both pregnant together. She is due a month ahead of me. I think I am a bit bigger though. She is due in eleven days and here I have a month to go. Anyway just thought that was fun to see and compare.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Max has decided that all the baby preparations are actually for him. He loves the crib (unfortunately), and tries to sleep in it any time we accidentally leave the door open. When ever we bring home a new toy he has to check it out. He loves the boxes things come in. When I work in the nursery he always tries to sneak in and get into all the baby goodies. I think he knows he isn't supposed to and that makes it all the more fun. I think Celia has a clue something is up because she is starting to act different to me. She is not jumping on me as much and has been more cuddly. Bayley still seems to have no idea that is world is about to change drasticly. Any how I thought these were some cute pictures of Max being himself. Bye for now.