Daniel and I are rethinking names for the baby. We decided we aren't going in with one name, but we are going to have a list we like and wait to see him first. He may still be Josiah, but if he looks more like a Caleb or a Matthew or an Elijah than we will go with one of those. If any one has any good ideas let us know. Dan wants something Biblical and the middle name will be Daniel. I want something uncommon (so Matthew is possibly out.) Names are hard. There are endless possibilities, and what you name him he's stuck with for ever. Plus you want something with a cool meaning, but it has to have good nickname potential. So who knows.
He started kicking on Oct. 14 at a Larry the Cable Guy show. He likes music and sometimes response to songs with a good beat. Daniel was able to feel him for the first time on the 16th. It is pretty cool. I'm so excited to see the little guy. I can't wait to see how the animals respond to him. I think that everyone will get along. Bayley is starting to calm down a little so he is not as high strong. Celia is really gentle with young kids so I am not worried about her, and Max tends to adjust at his own rate (must be a cat thing.) Max is very into the baby's room and all the little baby things that are begining to collect. I can't wait to start buying clothes for him. Dan won't let me get any yet. He wants to wait until we get closer. There are some really cute little outfits out there. Boy stuff is harder to find, but there are cute things out there. I need to find some Purdue baby gear. :) Well, I better get going. Have a great day!